Inspired Thinking II: Beginning 12/14/16 with Kaelyn
This course is part two of Inspired Thinking. We will continue our study of the principles of Think and Grow Rich and dive deeper into the material.
Meetings will be held at Grahams 318 in downtown Geneva.
Scheduled in-person meetings for discussion:
Wednesdays 12-1:30pm (2 weeks on, 1 week off rotation)
December 14th
December 21st - Optional Meeting (no new material)
January 4th, 11th, 25th
February 1st
What to expect at the meeting:
On Wednesday of each week we will meet in person to discuss your experience with applying the teaching as well as questions, observations and comments from the lessons.
Between Meetings:
Thursdays of each week the new recorded lesson will be available.
There will only be 1 lesson released at a time so that everyone is at the same place with the learning.
Your homework will be to read the assigned chapter(s) and listen to the recorded lesson(s).
Take notes on what you find yourself thinking about while you are reading the chapter, listening to the lesson, as well as while you are going through your days and applying the new concepts.